Using AI to create a fake chef’s instagram profile, including food photos. With ChatGPT and Dall-E
In my previous post, I shared my experience creating a guided meditation video using AI tools. In this post, I’ll be sharing my experience creating an Instagram profile for a chef using AI tools. I used ChatGPT and Dall-E to generate the chef herself, bio, captions, and images for the profile. Follow along as I take you through each step of the process. Whether you’re a social media enthusiast or just curious about the potential of AI, I hope you find this post interesting and informative. Let’s dive in!
Step 1: Generating the chef, Emma Martini
Before we create the instagram profile, we need to generate the person that owns the profile and that will post everything in there. We need a chef. Let’s ask if ChatGPT can do us a favor and create a chef from thin air.
The bot didn’t give me her full name, for some reason, even though I insisted a lot.
Step 2: Make the profile
We have our chef without a family name Emma created. Now she just needs to go to instagram and create an account. What would her account look like?
Easy. Just ask our loyal assistant and they provide it promptly. We will use that information, aside from the website because it doesn’t really exist.
Step 3: Create her email address
I almost forgot. She needs an email account to be able to sign up for instagram. The bot can help us with that aswell.
was taken already. But nothing that her birthday year won’t fix.
Gmail asked me for a password for that email address. What would her password be?
Our bot friend doesn’t think that we should decide what another fictional person’s password should be. Let’s trick it into giving us what we want:
Step 4: Really create the profile this time
The handle the bot suggested, @chefemma
was already in use. We need another one.
ChatGPT gave us her last name! We got it! It’s Martini, it’s on her handle!
Step 5: Time for the photoshoot
Now it’s the time to take a good, quality picture for her profile. We know how she looks like but we need to explain that to the photographer, Dall-E.
Time to choose the best picture:
“I have never seen pans with two handles, but I guess it might come in handy. She looks the best in the second photo, although her eyes show that she didn’t sleep well last night.
No one will notice, the profile pic is small anyway.
Step 6: The first post
What’s missing? Posts of course. We need a nice first post with a recipe and a photo to make people salivate and click that like button. Bot, can you help with that?
I don’t think she should appear in the photos, she’s not really photogenic you know?
Let’s ask the photographer if they can take some pictures of the dish.
A little stylized but ok, the next ones will be better.
The bot didn’t give us the full recipe. Let’s ask them nicely:
With hashtags already included!? And a #chefemma as well? Love this thing.
Step 7: Repeat
Now it’s just a matter of asking for more posts and photo descriptions. The bot needs to know that the chef shouldn’t appear.
Feed the descriptions to Dall-E and post them to intagram.
Final Result
And there we go! We got ourselved a new prestigious chef’s instagram account, full of delicious fake meals for the whole family to enjoy.
You can check the instagram profile for youself:
I’m really surprised by how Dall-E generates shrimp. It’s making me hungry. Until next time!